Carbon based molecules are essentially there in the biosphere
Carbon (C) along with Oxygen (O2) constitute Carbon dioxide (CO2)
0.03 % of the natural atmosphere is CO2
Plants use this CO2 to perform photosynthesis C02 causes Green House Effect, which keeps the
atmospheric temperature at 60F
Carbon Neutral, or having a net zero carbon footprint, refers to achieving net zero carbon emissions by balancing a measured amount of carbon released with an equivalent amount sequestered or offset, or buying enough carbon credits to make up the difference.
"A measure of the total amount of CO2 and CH4 emissions of a defined population, system or activity, considering all relevant sources, sinks and storage within the spatial and temporal boundary of the population, system or activity of interest. Calculated as carbon dioxide equivalent (CO2e) using the relevant 100 year global warming potential (GWP100)”
"The process of removing carbon from the atmosphere and depositing it in a reservoir - 'Glossary of climate change acronyms', UNFCCC. This may also be referred to as CO2 removal, which is a form of geo-engineering. CO2 sequestration refers to large-scale, permanent artificial capture and sequestration of industrially produced CO2 using subsurface saline aquifers, reservoirs, ocean water, aging oil fields or other carbon sinks."
"A compensatory measure made by an individual or company for carbon emissions, usually through sponsoring activities or projects which increase carbon dioxide absorption, such as tree planting. A carbon offset is a reduction in emissions of carbon dioxide or greenhouse gases made in order to compensate for or to offset an emission made elsewhere."
"A carbon credit is a generic term for any tradable certificate or permit representing the right to emit 1 ton of CO2 or the mass of another greenhouse gas with a carbon dioxide equivalent (CO2e) equivalent to 1 ton of CO2. A component of national and international attempts to mitigate the growth in concentrations of GHGs. 1 carbon credit is equal to 1 metric ton of CO2, or in some markets, CO2e gases."
The reduction of an entity’s carbon footprint to less than neutral, so that the entity has a net effect of removing carbon dioxide from the atmosphere rather than adding it. Becoming carbon negative requires a company, sector or country to remove more CO2 from the atmosphere than it emits.
Carbon positive moves beyond carbon zero by making additional ‘positive’ or ‘net export’ contributions by producing more energy on site than the building requires and feeding it back to the grid. Carbon positive means going beyond this, making additional 'positive' contributions to the environment.